Recent News

There's a lot going on in Kemsing and Woodlands churches! This page shows some of our recent items of news; click on the headline to read more about any item.

Tue 22 Sep 2020 — 12:05 pm

We are now concluding the annual revision of our church Electoral Roll for 2020.

A little background may help. We maintain an "Electoral Roll", which is a record of all those who are entitled to vote at our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). To join the roll, you either need to live... more

Sat 19 Sep 2020 — 12:00 pm

To raise money for the Church Hall building project Deb (Our Youth and Children's Worker) is doing a sponsored Triple 10 Cycling Challenge...10k cycling a day - for 10 days - in the 10th month (October). If you would like to sponsor Deb please go to her Just Giving Page - which is automatically... more

Mon 3 Aug 2020 — 12:00 pm

Although the camp that our 11-14s age group usually goes to was cancelled... there was still fun to be had! Woolie 2 Camp moved online! And our Church Youth group T7 joined on zoom together to watch the camp videos which the Camp Leaders had put together. They involved challenges, memories of... more

Tue 14 Jul 2020 — 10:00 am
Kemsing Church ready for re-opening

Our last Sunday service was held on Sunday 15th March. Since then, all our services have been online only, on our YouTube channel, over 17 Sundays and Good Friday.

Finally, we plan to start meeting together again, in our own church building, this coming Sunday (19th July). This news story... more

Thu 11 Jun 2020 — 2:40 pm

You may have seen reports in the news that the government will probably allow church buildings to be re-opened for individual private prayer from Monday 15th June.

This is clearly excellent news. It’s one of a number of signs that things are improving, that the government believes the... more

Mon 8 Jun 2020 — 12:45 pm

With lockdown, we cannot distribute paper copies of The Well, our free quarterly magazine, to every home in the parish.

So the editorial team has worked hard and produced an online-only edition. It contains a delightful mixture of current news, local people's reflections on life under... more

Mon 11 May 2020 — 11:50 am
Annual Report Cover for 2019

The PCC met by video-conference on Thursday 30th April and approved our annual report and accounts for 2019. We are pleased to present this report to our many friends and supporters in the Kemsing and Woodlands area and further afield.

The report this year is briefer than in previous... more

Mon 20 Apr 2020 — 12:20 pm
Screenshot from our online service

It's been 4 weeks since we've been able to use our own church building for anything.

Each Sunday, we have a service online, using our YouTube channel. We're being joined in real time each week by about 50 households, so that we can still hear from God's word, sing God's praises and pray... more

Thu 19 Mar 2020 — 7:10 pm

It's extremely hard to be told we cannot gather for worship on Sunday morning. For many of us, corporate worship has been part of our weekly rhythm for many years, a rhythm that sustains us and strengthens us to live as the people of God in the week ahead. In these testing times, we need this... more

Wed 18 Mar 2020 — 11:05 am
Kemsing Church is open each day to provide a place of prayer

Update 23rd March: Sadly, we've now taken the decision that it is safer to keep our buildings closed, having reviewed the directions given to churches inside the M25.


Both our church buildings at Kemsing and Woodlands have traditionally been kept open during the day.

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