St. Mary’s Craft Group was started in 1989 to give an opportunity for people in the village to get to know each other and share interests and skills.
The first project they completed together was the embroidery in the church for the Festival in 1991 which depicts many scenes of the village past and present and is admired by many. Since then the group has gone on to help with wall hangings, the carpet under the bell tower, an embroidery of the Pilgrims Way which hangs in The Hospice in the Weald, the kneelers and the curtains in the church hall. In the near future they will be working on an embroidery to remember Margaret Head-Jenner.
There is a wealth of knowledge in this group and members are only too happy to help others learn from scratch or assist with problems encountered. During the last Festival, the group offered help to anyone who wanted basic knowledge on sewing, knitting and crochet and were delighted the offer was taken up.
Although many members do their own craft during the afternoon a number enjoy knitting and do so for Smile International and Blythswood, both of which are Christian charities sending aid to many countries in need. We are always in need of wool of any sort including half finished articles and very grateful for donations. Often people come across supplies of sewing/knitting materials and are unsure what to do with them. We will always sort them and send to appropriate places as required.
It is a very friendly group, a good place to get to know people and there’s always a welcome cup of tea!
If you'd like to know more, contact Jane Webb (01959 522256) or Heather Doe (01732 761726), or send them an e-mail.