About 4 times a year, the Kemsing 9.15 and 10.30 services meet all together, and Woodlands join in as well. We meet for a Communion service that is more formal than Kemsing's 10.30 congregation are used to, but less structured than Kemsing's 9.15 congregation are used to. We sing a mixture of old and new music.
When we started this Combined Communion service in 2010, we worked our way through Paul's letter to the Philippians together for the Bible readings and the sermons. Philippians is about the partnership that the gospel creates between Christians and churches, and the need for unity created by, but also limited by, that message of good news. As such, it's been a good part of the Bible to look at together, as it reminds us that Jesus Christ gives us all so much in common.
Everyone is welcome; the service usually lasts about an hour and a quarter. Children can take part in Sunday Special or Creche.
The Combined Communion services are a real celebration, and a highlight of each quarter.