Bible Tour 2014

Bible Tour 2014

Throughout 2014, many of us from Kemsing and Woodlands Churches will be reading right through the Bible together.

This page contains useful information about our Bible Tour.

If you scroll to the bottom, there's a form you can use to sign up for updates, tips, insights and a daily e-mail containing the passages to be read.

What is it?

The Bible Tour is an opportunity for us to read through the Bible together. Each day, we will be reading a portion from the Old Testament, and another from the New Testament. Some people do not wish to read the whole Old Testament, saying it is too long to read in a year. Therefore there will be two Old Testament passages set each day - one for those wishing to read every word, and a shorter passage for those wishing to read an abridged version amounting to about a quarter of the Old Testament.

How will we do this together?

Some people have asked if we will gather together, to read the portions aloud with each other. This is not being organised centrally (although you could certainly do this with some friends if you wished). Rather, by reading the same portions as each other, we can then discuss what we are reading by phone / text / e-mail; we can meet up with friends for coffee to talk about it; we can pray for each other with the same Scriptures in mind.

Most of the Sunday preaching at the 10.30 Kemsing service, and the weekly Woodlands service, will be from the passages set for that day. The Wednesday morning Communions in Kemsing will take their readings from the tour. All 4 of our midweek Bible Study and Prayer Groups will be discussing the portions we've been reading. Our Lent Course, just before Easter 2014, will give us a "Bird's Eye View" of the whole Bible.

Why do this?

  • We get to read the Bible in order. The Bible is a library of 66 books, by many human authors, yet also one book, with the Holy Spirit as a common author. Often (at church or home) we read out of order. Heard in order, its overall message is clearer.
  • We get to read the Bible in its entirety. We are all prone to be selective, preferring the familiar to the strange, and the agreeable to the challenging. Here’s a chance to read everything, including the parts we might naturally skip over.
  • We get to read the Bible today. Maybe there are parts of the Bible we read some years ago, but have since forgotten. Many Christians would say they have wanted to read right through the Bible for some time, but have never got round to it.
  • We get to read the Bible together. We can encourage one another in our reading, talking about it, and discussing what we find confusing. We can encourage one another in life, supporting and praying for each other knowing which portions of the Bible they are reading.
  • We get to read the Bible at home. The Bible is our daily bread, which we need to walk with God through daily life. We need it daily, not just on Sundays. The Bible is also a big book. Once a week is not enough to breathe it all and grow in our faith.

How do I know what to read?

We've given everyone in the church a booklet that outlines the readings for each day; it also contains a number of reading guides to help get more out of your reading. The booklet is attached to the bottom of this page if you wish to download a copy.

You may also wish to sign up to our e-mail list. This no longer sends sent the Bible References for each day, but there are still a few (never more than one a day) other e-mails containing other thoughts, reflections and tips. We comply with all anti-spam legislation, so you can unsubscribe at any time.

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Download Booklet

Daily Readings.pdf (5.81 MB)